WHAT TO EXPECT on sunday
We meet in the Chapel at Eastside Christian School in Bellevue. The doors will be open at 9:00am.
Some people dress in more formal clothes, and others wear a t-shirt and jeans. Just come in whatever you feel is comfortable.
Like coming to a home, someone will meet you at the door. As people arrive, they typically chat in the foyer about their highs and lows of the week, until a leader welcomes everyone together at 9:30am. We begin our time singing worship songs with kids and adults sitting together for the first 30 minutes. A leader shares some announcements, opens in prayer, and may facilitate a testimony.
Adults and kids begin the service together. We then dismiss the Elementary and Preschool children before the sermon so that they can have fun and learn with their teachers. Middle School and High Schoolers remain with the adults through the sermon, and are dismissed to talk about what they learned with an adult and their peers.
The pastor teaches a 30-minute message from the Bible for the large group. Afterwards the large group prays together and then breaks into smaller groups of 6-12 people for discussion. People participate at the level they feel comfortable. Guests join the group of the person who invited them or of the pastor’s group.
Everyone comes when they can, participates as they feel comfortable, and leaves when they need to go. We close our time around 11:30 am., and then many linger for as late as 12 or 12:30pm.