Meet Our Church Family

Paul described his experience of starting a church in 1st Corinthians 3:6 by writing, “I planted, Apollos watered, and God gave the growth.” Two things stand out to me: (1) Church planting is a team effort, and (2) We look to God to grow our church. God is providing Anthem Church with a team of faithful men and women, and I want to celebrate a few of their stories with you.

Jeff J. gave me a list of 20 names he felt God was leading him to pray for regularly. His heart for people propels him to build relationships with anyone and everyone. Just last month, he started a conversation with a stranger at a local convenience store. A few conversations later, he had an opportunity to share the good news of Jesus, and this young man decided to follow Jesus.

Christina graduated from Washington State (Go Cougs!) and got a job at a local tech company. Because she grew-up in a multiethnic family, she felt more at home in a church that reflects and embraces the many ethnic groups represented in Bellevue. God is using her intuitive understanding of cultural diversity to encourage us all to welcome and engage the diverse communities, who are moving here.

Carl and Annabelle served in the junior high ministry, greet ministry, the F.O.C.U.S. Sunday Community, and wherever else they were needed to help in their 32 years at Crossroads Bible Church. They felt Anthem was an opportunity to use their ministry experience to strengthen this new church. One way I have seen this is in their way of transcending the limits of technology to ensure our online community feels connected and welcomed. God is using the Hungs to provide our new church with seasoned leadership.

I could go on and on to share many stories God is writing in our church plant. Starting a church is bigger than what any one person can do on their own, but together, we become a team that God can use to grow this new church into the presence of Christ.

For those who God is tugging at to consider partnering with us by praying, giving, or going, we would love to share more with you about Anthem Church. Contact me directly at and let’s set-up a time to talk and continue this conversation. In the meantime, you can learn more about Anthem Church by exploring our website.


Pastor Phil


Launching Point


Meet Grace, Rich & Eloise