Two Stories of Life Change

Katherine recently joined our church and immediately wanted to get baptized. She is the first to seek me out like this, and is not the last. A few weeks later, Jean asked me how to get baptized at our church. With the weather getting colder, I explained how the community center does not yet allow indoor baptisms. Katherine’s response was perfect. She said something like, “If my Savior suffered on the cross for me, then I can handle a little cold water.” She reminded me as God leads us, then we just follow, and so, we celebrated two baptisms in November!

Baptism symbolizes the spiritual reality of our life transformation in Christ. More than celebrating their decision to get baptized, we celebrate God’s work in their lives, and how God led them to proclaim His gift of new life in Christ through this act of baptism. With that said, I asked permission to share a portion of their story with you.

Jean’s story of life change:

My life is a miracle. I remember when I was 3 years old and suffered oil burns all over me. God was with me and saved my life from an early age. I knew God had a plan for me.

Being raised as a Catholic, going to Mass every Sunday and listening to the sermon by the priest, I understood his words and the message of God. I learned about the sacrifice of God’s own son on the cross for me. I knew Jesus gave up his own life to save our life, so that we can live and spread his gospel.

Today, I trust in Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I am growing closer to God, and I know He wants me to serve him and serve others, to learn to love others and to help others. I know God wants me to be here with you, Anthem Church, to help serve others. I’m learning how to pray, to express myself to God. He is showing me what He wants me to share, to be part of His work. God is with me, helping me each time I ask Him for help, whether in sickness or in health. God is faithful.”

Katherine’s story of life change:

My life before Christ was painful. I was going through an abusive relationship, and felt dead inside. You could say, I was a lost case. I felt so alone and unheard. My void was not filled. Yet here I am today. Jesus Christ saved me.

I came to know Christ during the Covid-19 pandemic. I accepted him into my life around 18 years of age. Jesus spoke through a person I knew, who told me that Jesus loved me and cared for me. He took me out of that bad place I was in, and my life has never been the same since that decision to follow Jesus.

My life now is very different. Drastic changes I might say. I relocated to Washington, which Jesus used to close doors and open new ones for his own good. I know I am free and moving forward in my life. I have a new start with Jesus Christ! I feel so blessed to have Jesus in my life!!.”

Their stories of life change remind us that God is doing the work in our new church. He is drawing people to Himself. He is making Himself known. He is growing us to be more like Jesus. Our responsibility is to follow His lead, even if it means getting baptized in the colder weather! Let’s continue to look to God, trusting His faithfulness to us, both individually and collectively as He leads us, His Church. Amen!


The Gift of Church


Unseen Footprints