Changing Lives Together
Earlier this spring, there were 51 members and friends of our church, who spent the weekend together at the Firs Conference Center to grow closer to God and to each other.
“You have been instrumental in helping to turn my life direction back to Jesus. I can’t thank you enough for not giving up on me!” Receiving a text message like this reminds me that God is transforming lives through Anthem Church. And not because of me, but due to the many church members, who are reaching out and caring for one another. In fact, I know of church members, who prayed for this person, and others, who served with this person, and still others, who came alongside and encouraged this person. As each of us did our part and overflowed with God’s love towards them, then this individual was drawn closer to Jesus, who has changed their life.
God is working through our church to change people’s lives. Paul described his experience of this in 1st Corinthians 3:6 by writing that, "I planted, Apollos watered, and God gave the growth." There are three things that stand out to me in this verse. First, life change is a team effort. God does incredible work through a community of believers, who support and encourage one another to be faithful to love and to share the gospel. Second, our responsibility is to “plant” seeds of the gospel and to “water” what grows. This means we simply need to be faithful with each opportunity we have to love each person God has brought into our life. I am so encouraged as I see that happening every week at our church gathering, and as I hear about it happening throughout the week as well. Finally, God is responsible to change people’s lives. And I see him doing this in profound ways through our church, so let me share a few other stories to encourage you.
Here are three other stories of God bearing fruit at Anthem Church:
Someone just decided to follow Jesus because a member of our church shared the gospel. A few weeks ago someone invited their family member to our church, which was a miracle in it of itself because this individual had not been ‘spiritual’ like this for some time. They were aware of God, but not interested until they received a personal invitation. Then, after church, they started talking about having faith in Jesus, and this person decided that it was time to give their life to Jesus.
Someone shared how they identify more with Christianity because of our church. After the Sunday sermon, they joined one of our small groups to talk about what they just learned and how to apply it into their lives. This individual felt compelled to share how they were learning a lot from the Bible, but how they still had some questions about God. So they asked for help and then members of their group provided perspective from the Bible, and affirmed how we are all growing and learning together.
Our church planting residents are multiplying new groups. After moving to the Auburn area, three mid-week Bible studies have been started, which God is using to draw in a total of 34 people to learn about Jesus, including 12 that are exploring whether or not they would want to follow Jesus. In addition, there are 8 leaders, who are being developed to grow and to partner together in God’s mission to reach all of the nations. What a blessing to hear how much they all love coming together, even staying late into the night to connect and share life together.
All said, we are so encouraged and ask you to continue praying for a fruitful ministry at Anthem Church. Praise God for these stories of life change, and how we can be a part of his work. Praise God for the steps that people are taking to follow Jesus. Pray that every follower of Jesus at Anthem Church would be faithful to pray for, to care for, and to share the gospel with their neighbors. Pray that lives are changed, and leaders are developed to join the work God is doing on the Eastside of Seattle.