Isaac’s Baptism Testimony
Our church celebrated Isaac’s baptism on May 5th, 2024, which drew in our largest gathering to date with over 100 people, who worshipped together.
Isaac and his family joined our church in 2021. I still remember when Isaac repeatedly asked his public school teacher to visit our church, and how after three (or more) invitations she felt that God must have been using this young man to prompt her to pursue Jesus. This was so encouraging to me as we witnessed God work through this young child to draw someone into a closer relationship with Jesus through our church. Since that time, Isaac has been processing his faith, asking questions, learning the Bible, and eventually felt led to accept Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. So on May 5th, Isaac decided to get baptized, and then he shared his testimony, which I asked permission to share with you below (or you can watch it online by clicking here):
Before I accepted Christ as my Savior, I was doing things that were wrong and I still repeated them. And I was wandering around saying that I was a Christian and not really knowing what it meant. Sure, I invited my 1st grade teacher to this church. Sure, I talked to my neighbor about Christ. Sure, I got first place two times in my Junior Bible Quiz. But even after all that, I still didn’t know what it meant, how special it is to be God’s child. Whenever I did a sin, God did not let me forget. Instead, He let me keep the regret and that regret is a key part for me in accepting Christ as Savior.
It was one day I finished my dinner and I went upstairs to study my junior bible quiz, since my regionals were near. And I needed my sister’s iPad for something but it didn’t have any charging. So I went looking for a charger and I found something that reminded me of one of my terrible sins. That’s when my regret exploded. I started crying, wailing to be more specific. My parents heard me, came up and asked me what was wrong. And we had a conversation that led to my dad asking me this - do you accept Christ as your Savior. And I said YES.
Now whenever Satan tempts me, with God’s help I say go away. One of my favorite bible verses is Isaiah 53:5, “But He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.” I like that verse because it shows how much pain Jesus took for all our sins.
Thank you for listening. I wanted to say the end. But my dad said that this was a new beginning. So now, it’s to be continued…
God is working through every person at Anthem Church, including our children. In fact, Mark 10:13-16 reminds us how Jesus believes that every child will significantly contribute to his ministry, which is exactly what we experienced with our little Isaac. And yet, so often in the church, we separate our kids from the ministry because we believe they are not yet ready and need to grow more in their faith. While I understand the value of our children’s Biblical education, Isaac’s testimony reminds me to not discount our children. God wants each one of us, including our children, to know the depth of his love for us, and to share his love with our world. And because of Isaac’s testimony, I am reminded of how God is powerfully working in and through each member of our church, including our children. May God continue to work powerfully in the lives of our children, who he loves and believes are to be an instrumental part of our church body.