Are you ready to move on from this past year? Much of the news and social media chatter sounds exhausted, longing for human contact and dreaming of a “new normal.” As we journey into a new year together, let’s learn from an Old Testament practice to orient our hearts towards God in 2021.

The Old Testament teaches us the importance of stopping to observe regular holidays. Israel’s holidays created time for the Jews to remember God’s protection and provision for them on their faith journey. The holiday of Passover, for example, started their calendar year by gathering families together to remember God’s deliverance from evil so that they could start a new life with God. Many Jews traveled every year to celebrate this holiday at the temple. And as they ascended the road to Jerusalem, Psalm 120-134 were sung to orient their hearts towards God. This is why these Psalms are called the “Songs of Ascent.”

As you celebrate New Year’s Day, I encourage you to prepare for our new journey in 2021. Take some time to read through the “Songs of Ascent” to reshape how you think and pray about last year. For those tired of hearing divisive rhetoric on the news, pray Psalm 120:2, “Deliver me, O Lord, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue.” For those feeling overwhelmed by the uncertainty of Covid-19, consider Psalm 121:2, “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” For me, I’ve been meditating on Psalm 126:2, which says, “Our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad.”

My “New Year’s Challenge” for you is to stop for 15 minutes at the dinner table on January 1, 2021 and remember all the great things God has done for you in 2020. We know from James 1:17 that every good gift we receive is from God. For me, I celebrate the gift of starting Anthem Church with you in 2020. Even during a pandemic, God miraculously provided 165 people to pray for us, 35 households to financially support us, and 20 households to go with us. Not only that, but one of our members decided to follow Jesus last month, and another started a new weekly outreach in Bellevue last week!

So, what about you? Even though we are driving less and spending more time at home, our calendar is still full of holiday shopping, online meetings, and home projects. Do not let your busy life distract you from recognizing all that God has done for you in 2020. As Christians, whether we face trials or abundance, God is with us and He is for us. We have every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. Let’s stop for 15 minutes on New Year’s Day to recognize God’s grace in our life so that we can experience His laughter and joy.

Happy New Year!

Pastor Phil


Meet Grace, Rich & Eloise
