
One of the most common questions we get is, “Where is the church meeting?” As we prayerfully considered a location that would give us the most outreach opportunities to serve our foreign-born residents, the City of Bellevue quickly became our strategic starting point. I wanted to explain some of the key reasons behind this decision in this email to you.

International Population: Bellevue is the state’s largest majority-minority city, including 39% of its residents being foreign born from over 90 different countries. In addition, Bellevue’s population is estimated to grow by over 80% foreign born in the next 15 years. Many who come here are from unreached countries and are searching for God. By starting a new church that places an emphasis on outreach, and prioritizes the needs of our foreign-born residents, Anthem Church can best address the increasingly diverse culture that is moving to Bellevue. 

Population Growth: There are not enough churches in Bellevue to keep up with the population growth. Bellevue is estimated to grow by 15,000 in the next 15 years, and this is not including the news that Amazon is bringing 15,000 jobs here in the next 4-5 years. According to OC International, U.S. cities need 1 church per 1,000 people to effectively influence their city for Christ. As a result, Bellevue would need at least 15 new churches and Anthem Church will be one of them. 

Global Reach: In 2014, the City Council adopted the vision statement, “Bellevue welcomes the world.” Not only is the city diverse, but it is committed to grow in ethnic diversity. We see this commitment reflected in Amazon and Microsoft, who are large companies located in Bellevue and who are committed to hiring foreign-born workers. And, we also see this commitment reflected in Bellevue College, who enrolls over 1,000 international students from more than 60 countries.  

Regional Outreach: Bellevue is located at the center of the Lakeside Crescent and is the ideal location to draw in people from across the Eastside. Because we are starting this church in partnership with CBC, it makes sense that our launch team is located throughout the Eastside. As we equip our people to reach their neighbors where they live, work, learn and play, meeting in Bellevue gives us the greatest chance for their neighbors to join us.

Partnership Opportunities: My leadership in the City Manager’s diversity network gives us a unique partnership with influential ethnic leaders and regional organizations. Just last year I was asked to partner with members of the network to propose a multifaith dialog. Additionally, I have a strong relationship with Chi Alpha, a group that is interested in a new outreach initiative at Bellevue College to intentionally care for international students on campus.  

Parent Church Partnership: We are growing Anthem as a daughter church from within Crossroads Bible Church. Incubating within the support system of CBC reduces risk, provides resources, and creates collaboration. For example, by meeting at the CBC campus, our new church will save $113,000 annually on the cost of a facility. This is just one instance of many where the support of CBC is helping us get started at this early stage. 

For those who are interested in hearing more, contact me directly at phil@anthemeastside.com. I would love to set-up a time to talk with you and continue the conversation.

Pastor Phil Peterson
Anthem Church



