Photo 7.1 of outreach at BC.jpg

It was an ordinary day at Bellevue College when a 16-year-old student asked me about joining our Christian club. He wanted to practice his English, and to find community with other international students. He and I became friends as we shared about our different lives. One evening, he started texting me with questions about life, the soul, and spirituality. Over time, he was interested to learn more about my faith. Nervous that our cultural differences made it difficult for him to understand me, I was relieved to learn he just needed time to process all of what he heard for the first time. Yet, over the next few years, his processing continued with my Christian friends, and eventually he decided to become a Christian.

There are currently over 60,000 foreign-born residents in Bellevue from over 90 different countries. Of the estimated population growth of 15,000 in the next 15 years, it is likely that over 12,000 of them will be foreign born. Many are searching for God just like my friend from Bellevue College. By starting a new church that prioritizes the needs of our foreign-born residents, we can best address the increasingly diverse culture that is moving here.

Unfortunately, many churches are missing this opportunity. The Faith Communities Today survey finds that only 10% of churches in the U.S. are reaching foreign-born residents, and of the churches that do, only a small fraction of the congregation is engaged.

As the world comes to Bellevue, our city faces unique needs that the Church is well-positioned to meet.  Many of our foreign-born residents report feeling isolated, a lack of parental support, and do not understand English well. These challenges become an opportunity for the unconditional love of Jesus, not only to meet their physical and social needs, but also to address their spiritual needs.     

Starting a new church is bigger than any one person or family, and requires God to lead us. The Spirit is on the move, so we are joining God to love our multiethnic neighbors. Join us by partnering together to pray, to give, and to go start Anthem Church. We would love for you to hear more about our heart for the city, and the needs of our foreign-born residents. Contact me directly at phil@anthemeastside.com and I would love to set-up a time to talk with you and continue this conversation. In the meantime, you can learn more about Anthem Church in our website.


Pastor Phil Peterson
